Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,650 compared to your local prices
This patient suffered from long ago with bad back teeth. Her broken molars made chewing difficult and painful and regular inflammation occurred on her gums. After removing the root fractures and broken teeth dental implants were fitted to replace all missing molars. This phase of the treatment restored chewing surface to the optimal level. Our patient also wanted to change front teeth for aesthetic reason, where the dentist suggested matching porcelain crowns. The crowns made her smile wider and brighter.

Treatment type: Dental Implants
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 7,520 compared to your local prices
Our patient lost all his back teeth due to illness almost five years ago. The dentist suggested titanium implants with porcelain bridges to replace the missing molars. Also crowns were fitted at the end of the treatment to restore worn teeth.

Treatment type: Dental implants
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 12,600 compared to your local prices
In this case the patient suffered from severe bone loss in the rear area of the upper jaw both left and right due to his teeth being removed at a very young age. The denture he wore was very uncomfortable, and made him slur words. This is a common side effect of a badly fitting denture. As bone wears away the dentures will fit less secure. The dentist suggested bone augmentation to replace the missing bone tissue. This will allow the surgeon to place implants securely in the back area for porcelain bridges. This sort of treatment includes implants used as anchors for multiply teeth replacement. On bottom teeth decay was treated and porcelain covering was prepared for most teeth to avoid further damage of teeth.

Treatment type: Dental implants
Duration of treatment: 3 visits to Budapest: 2 weekdays, 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 9,025 compared to your local prices
It is a very common problem that due to previous dental treatments taken place at different times, crowns or other dental appliances don't match, making the false teeth obvious by appearance. Though most porcelain restorations were still in fair condition their look was unsatisfying, which bothered this patient for a very long time. The dentist suggested replacement of these crowns and replacement of two infected teeth with dental implants along with implants inserted into a gap of three teeth bottom right. For all crowns and porcelain coverings the same type and shade of porcelain was used which made the patients smile look more natural, even and bright.

Treatment type: Dental implants
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 9,530 compared to your local prices
In this case a combination of Alpha Bio SPI dental implants, porcelain crowns, and bridges were used to change this patient's smile entirely. Most remaining teeth were worn and needed restoration, and many were missing due to sport injury and bad oral hygiene. The dentist's suggestion was to place four Alpha Bio SPI dental implants in the upper arch for porcelain crowns and four of the same implant bottom for porcelain bridges. This sort of multiply teeth replacement is common for missing molars. Two implants can make up for three of four teeth. The completed dental treatment allowed the patient to throw away dentures yet a full arch of teeth assured optimal chewing surface. The change was remarkable. The patient's face looked younger and fuller thanks to better support of lips.

Treatment type: Dental implants
Duration of treatment: 3 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, 1 weekday and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 7,600 compared to your local prices
This patient had three top teeth removed due to infection, and several bottom teeth removed at a young age. The denture she wore looked fake and bulky. The dentist suggested a non-removable permanent solution, dental implants. Three Nobel Biocare Replace dental implants were inserted top and four Nobel Biocare dental implants were inserted in the bottom arch. The patient opted for zirconium abutments and zirconium crowns in the prominent front area. This way the separate teeth replacement looked completely identical to existing teeth. On the bottom arch two porcelain bonded bridges were fitted on implants.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns, veneers
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,850 compared to your local prices
Our patient lost a front tooth in an accident and he had a small NHS denture he couldn't bite with. Little bone resorption was in the area, an implant was fitted straight on his first visit. He also wished for a complete smile makeover, which included the placement of dental veneers and crowns to replace old and yellowish coloured existing crowns. Back teeth were also replaced with implants at a later stage of his treatment.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain bridges
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 4,505 compared to your local prices
On the "before" photo a very common dental problem is visible. Only front teeth exist and there is no back teeth to chew on. This patient had dentures but didn't wear them, therefore front teeth were worn and eroded, due to excessive use. The suggested treatment was placing implants with porcelain bridges to replace molars and make optimal chewing surface. With porcelain crowns in the front we were also able to rebuild teeth to their original shape which made the smile open wider and brighter.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crown/bridge
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,640 compared to your local prices
On this photo we can also detect the result of missing molars. Without the top and bottom matching number of molars the front teeth overlap the bottom ones. This results damage and difficulties in eating, also the makes the face collapse and age wrinkles appear. We suggested the placement of 6 dental implants with porcelain bridges to replace back teeth. The result was remarkable, the patients face looked younger, and fuller at the end of the treatment. Her smile got wider and more visible as bottom teeth became visible.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns, veneers
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,100 compared to your local prices
This patient suffered from hereditary gum disease from a very young age. She lost front and back teeth and was unhappy with the denture she had to wear for a long time. In the front area bone graft was necessary to place a dental implant as bone loss was severe and made the gum line recede excessively. Her teeth were also crooked which she wanted to correct with veneers. We offered the best quality ceramic veneers and matching implant with ceramic crown for the best result.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,400 compared to your local prices
In this case two front teeth were replaced with dental implants. The patient had baby teeth where adult teeth incisors didn't grow. His aby teeth were much shorter than other teeth and didn't sit in the bone well. The dentist suggested extracting them to win place for two implants that match other teeth in size and shade. Before the treatment was completed the patient had whitening so the new teeth were of a brighter shade.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crown, and bridge
Duration of treatment: 3 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 4,980 compared to your local prices
Our patient had severe damage on most teeth and suffered from a badly fitting denture. Some of his front teeth were loose and had to be extracted. The dentist suggested him to have dental implants with porcelain bridges over as a budget solution to replace all missing teeth. The remaining teeth received porcelain crowns to match the implant bridges.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns and veneers.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 6,540 compared to your local prices
This patient of ours had crooked and protruding teeth with a gap in the front as a result of a car accident. The primary treatment option to align teeth is usually orthodontic treatment, but she didn't want to wear braces. Her treatment plan at us included a Noble Replace dental implant in the front, veneers and several crowns on top and bottom teeth. First the implant screw was fitted on a three days visit along with some small temporary fittings done. The screw was left to heal for 4 month before the final fitting to be able to achieve a gum line perfectly matching other areas. The second and final phase of her treatment included fitting of the crowns and veneers.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,650 compared to your local prices
This is the before-after photo of one of our patients who wished for the most natural looking teeth replacement. He had 6 missing teeth and some worn teeth in the front. He also wanted to have a brighter smile, but not Hollywood white. He opted for a natural white shade for all teeth. Our dentist suggested zirconium abutment and crown over the implant in the front which is the closest to natural tooth shade and opacity. The less visible back teeth implants were completed with common titanium abutment as a budget solution.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,650 compared to your local prices
This case study shows what a huge improvement crowns and dental implants can make in ones life. This patient suffered from bad teeth all his life. From a very young age his teeth crumbled and broke away piece by piece as he described. Our dentists advised him to have crowns in the front as a long lasting and durable dental solution to stop further damage and protect existing teeth, along with implants to replace the missing teeth. The patient opted for Alpha Bio dental implants, and e.max pressed ceramic crowns in the front. The end result was a nice, even, bright smile that the patient was very pleased with.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,650 compared to your local prices
Decayed and damaged teeth have several negative effects on our everyday life. Apart from the visible black marks, decays may also be responsible for bad breath. This very young patient contacted us to have all his teeth removed as they caused him problems all his life. The top teeth were all damaged, mostly decayed or broken due to decay. The bottom teeth were in similar state, and front teeth were crooked. Despite of his young age he also suffered from mild bone loss in the upper jaw and infection in two areas of the jaw. His treatment started with the removal of root fractures and damaged teeth stumps, followed by a healing time for the infections to clear up. The second stage of the treatment included bone graft in the upper jaw and placement of five dental implant screws and temporary teeth. In the last phase of his treatment the final porcelain teeth were prepared for the implants, and other teeth.

Treatment type: Dental implants, porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,650 compared to your local prices
This young lady contacted us to replace her missing teeth, and improve her smile. Our dentist suggested dental implants, veneers and tooth whitening on her other teeth. This treatment made her smile wider that suits her face better. The top and bottom front teeth received veneers to change their shape slightly, others were whitened with Opalescence Boost whitening to brighten her smile.
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