Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crowns and veneers.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,040 compared to your local prices
This patient had root canal treatment on a front tooth which resulted in discolouration of the tooth. The patient also wanted to align front teeth and make them appear bigger. His dentist suggested placing 2 pressed ceramic E-max crowns and 4 pressed ceramic E-max veneers to reach the desired result. The treatment started with whitening to match up the new veneers and crowns in colour to the new bright teeth.

Treatment type: Porcelain crowns
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,800 compared to your local prices
In this case our patient's complaint was regarding the form and shape of existing crowns which made it hard to clean them. The crowns were also discoloured and mismatched. The dentist prepared new porcelain bonded crowns which match her teeth in shape and shade. This treatment also fully restored the oral fitness of the site, and her smile became brighter and wider which she was very satisfied with.

Treatment type: Pressed ceramic E-max veneer
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,800 compared to your local prices
It is very common that crooked teeth affects self confidence and everyday life in a negative way. In this case on the before photo you can see how the lateral incisors are rotated and different in size compared to other teeth. Our patient was not happy to wear braces therefore she opted for veneers. This treatment required little preparation, hence there was little damage on the teeth, but allowed a complete smile make over. Our patient was very satisfied with the result.

Treatment type: Tooth coloured filling and Opalescence tooth whitening
Duration of treatment: 2 days visit to Budapest.
Amount Saved: £ 580 compared to your local prices
The erosion of front teeth is common when someone drinks lots of sugary drink or soda. In this case the mark of this can be seen on the before photo in the form of decays and damaged enamel. With using composite build up and Gradia composite veneers the damaged areas were restored and covered for protection. The patient also wanted to change her smile and make front teeth bigger which was achieved with the veneers to her satisfaction.

Treatment type: Pressed ceramic veneer
Duration of treatment: 5 days visit to Budapest.
Amount Saved: £ 1,250 compared to your local prices
A previous root treatment made the front teeth discoloured from the inside. To restore the original tooth shade and make small corrections in the shape of front teeth this patient opted for Ivoclar E-max pressed ceramic veneers. The result was remarkable, the smile opened up and became whiter and even.

Treatment type: Porcelain bridge
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays visit to Budapest.
Amount Saved: £ 7,520 compared to your local prices
This patient lost front teeth in an accident which she wanted to replace with a bridge. Our dentist suggested a pressed ceramic bridge which allowed natural looking, yet durable and strong new teeth. The new incisors matched other teeth completely.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic veneers
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,450 compared to your local prices
On the before photo internal stains and discolouration of teeth is visible. The patient already had teeth whitening but the result she was not happy with as the stains remained and her teeth got discoloured again soon after the treatment. The dentist suggested porcelain veneers to mask the stains and reach the Hollywood white shade the patient desired. The result was remarkable, she was very happy with the result.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic veneers
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 700 compared to your local prices
In this case veneers were fitted to mask small internal stains on the front two teeth. The patient wanted to keep the original shape and shade of her teeth. The result was natural yet her smile became much nicer even with this small change.

Treatment type: Porcelain bonded crowns
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,900 compared to your local prices
This patient was a long time smoker and coffee drinker which made his teeth dark stained. He also suffered from bruxism due to stress which means he grinded in his sleep. This resulted worn teeth and receding gum line. The dentist suggested stress baring porcelain bonded crowns on most of his teeth and a night guard to protect them from grinding. He was extremely happy with the result as his smile changed completely.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic veneers
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 850 compared to your local prices
The front gap between teeth is called diastema in dentistry. Yet it causes no difficulty in eating or speaking many patient wish to close the gap to make their smile even. In this case our cosmetic dentistry specialist suggest 4 veneers to close the gaps between front 4 teeth and make them slightly bigger and more rounded for a nicer appearance that suits the patients face and lips.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic veneers whitening
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,470 compared to your local prices
The before photo shows a damaged incisor which broke after a fall. The tooth root was unharmed and a porcelain crown was used to rebuild the tooth to it's original size and shape. The patient opted for whitening and veneers on other front teeth to make his smile even and aligned.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crowns and veneers
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,390 compared to your local prices
This patient always wished for the true Hollywood smile. She had nice teeth but in previous years her gums receded in the front due to gum disease which she was able to cease with a rigid dental hygiene routine. This saved her teeth but the gum line noticeably receded for which the dentist suggested porcelain crown coverings. She also had problem with a root treatment tooth that had a crown covering. The dentist suggested new Ivoclar E-max porcelain caps to close the gaps, and make all teeth the same shape and even. She opted for a very bright opalesque shade for her new smile. The result was astonishing, the teeth fitted her face perfectly.

Treatment type: Porcelain bonded crowns
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,980 compared to your local prices
This patient searched for treatment to improve her smile and find a solution for her badly discoloured teeth. The dentist suggested the best quality porcelain cosmetic caps to cover her teeth.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crowns and veneers.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,560 compared to your local prices
In this case study we can see a common cosmetic dental treatment where old porcelain restorations are replaced with new ones. Nowadays crowns and veneers last 15-20 years, but older makes have a shorter lifespan. Also the shape and shade of old crowns or veneers may make the teeth appear false or bulky. This patient had her veneers for more than 10 years. She never really liked the shape of the teeth and after some years her gum line started to recede and dark lines appeared around the teeth. Our dentist suggested new veneers which are not bulky and match her original teeth both in shape and shade.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crowns and veneers.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,220 compared to your local prices
In this case study we can see another example of old porcelain crowns being replaced with new ones. This patient had his crowns fitted more than 15 years ago. The colour of the crowns faded after 10 years which made the teeth look fake and plastic like. Some crowns on the side chipped and crumbled due to wear. Our dentist suggested new e.max crowns which not only have a higher aesthetic value but are also more resistant to wear due to the improved material the crown is made of.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crowns and veneers.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,900 compared to your local prices
This young patient suffered from acid erosion of teeth for years. This made his teeth weaker and less resistant. In several areas teeth decayed and started to wear due to the loss of enamel. Amalgam fillings were placed in most teeth which also made his teeth appear darker. Our dentist suggested him to have e.max porcelain caps to protect teeth and rebuild them to their original size and shape. The caps also allowed to align bottom teeth. The result was a beautiful set of new teeth which the patient was really pleased with.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max pressed ceramic crown and bridge, and whitening.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,350 compared to your local prices
This patient received e.max porcelain crowns and a bridge in the top front and common porcelain bonded crowns with a fixed denture for the bottom teeth. He had problems with a front tooth for years and after several root treatment attempts the area was still not clear of infection. The tooth needed to be removed. The treatment was completed with the whitening of other teeth.

Treatment type: Porcelain bonded crown and whitening.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,800 compared to your local prices
This young patient wanted to straighten and whiten his teeth. The dentist suggested a couple of porcelain crowns to close the gap in the front and align with the side teeth.

Treatment type: Porcelain bridge and tooth whitening.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,000 compared to your local prices
This young patient, a lady in her thirties had an accident and lost three front teeth. She didn't want any surgical treatment after the root fractures were removed therefore our dentists advised her to have a porcelain bridge. This fixed dental bridge is anchored by the side teeth and looks identical to those. She also wished to have much brighter teeth so the treatment started with Opalescence tooth whitening. The bridge was prepared to match the newly whitened teeth.

Treatment type: Porcelain crowns.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 1,900 compared to your local prices
This case study shows a complete smile makeover including porcelain crowns. The patient suffered from bruxism. In his sleep he was constantly grinding his teeth which made them severely damaged and short. To restore the teeth our dentist placed porcelain crowns on them, and prepared a plastic night guard he can wear to sleep to protect his teeth from further damage.

Treatment type: Metal free E-max veneers, dental implant.
Duration of treatment: 2 visits to Budapest: 3 weekdays, and 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,500 compared to your local prices
This young patient, a lady in her mid twenties had healthy and nice teeth. Her main concern was a missing tooth on the side that never grew, and the front incisor which protruded a bit. Our dentist suggested a dental implant and cosmetic veneers to rectify the problems. The result was a beautiful smile she always wished for, all teeth even an bright yet a completely natural look.

Treatment type: Porcelain crown and tooth whitneing.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 2,500 compared to your local prices
Cosmetic dental treatments such as porcelain crowns or veneers are commonly used to correct small smile flows like crooked teeth or discoloured teeth. In this case our patient had uneven front teeth and some gum recession on the side which exposed the tooth necks. His treatment included porcelain crowns and tooth whitening.

Treatment type: Zirconium crowns.
Duration of treatment: 5 weekdays.
Amount Saved: £ 3,200 compared to your local prices
In this case study the side affect of gum recession can be detected. This patient had crowns fitted some time ago but due to gum recession the gum line moved away from the edges of the crowns. The result was a dark line that appeared between the crown and the gum. This line is commonly mistaken for the metal showing under the crown, but actually it is the tooth stump that is much darker and stained. New zirconium crowns can easily rectify this problem, as those are fitted to match the gum line and cover the dark areas.
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